Engineering Education Scheme Wales Exhibition (EESW)

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On Monday 7th April Lee Colcombe, Rebecca Gatford and Rhiannon Batt attended the Engineering Education Scheme Wales Exhibition (EESW) at the Celtic Manor. NAS have been part of the EESW scheme since September 2013 and have been working with a team of eager students from Coleg Gwent in order to solve a current engineering issue at NAS.

The students were tasked with devising a solution to the following engineering problem:

Due to visual defects inherent in the process, coating rollers are frequently removed. This process is laborious, and involves heavy lifting and tight tolerances.

The team presented a pitch which was expected to reduce the labour intensity and improve efficiency whilst taking into consideration health and safety of the operators and implicated costs. NAS also exhibited at the event, raising awareness of the company to other local companies, schools and colleges. There was a lot of interest in the trade stand and was a great opportunity to educate and showcase what NAS do.


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